Frequently Asked Questions
Transforming the Farmer to Consumer Supply Chain
Field Crops
Navigating the proposal process can be complex. In this FAQ section, you'll find straightforward answers and guidance. Our goal is to ensure interested offerors have all the information needed to develop a complete and comprehensive proposal.
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Getting Started - Marketing Incentive
Practice Implementation Incentive
How to Apply
Receiving Payments
1. What are Climate-Smart Soybeans?
Climate-Smart Soybeans are soybeans that are grown with an in-field practice that helps build soil health, sequesters carbon, and/or reduces greenhouse gas emissions. They include cover crops, reduced till or no-till, conservation crop rotation, and nutrient management.
2. What is a Climate-Smart Commodity (CSC) Processor?
A CSC Processor is one of the buyers contracted by the TransformF2C Project to buy, process, and market the climate-smart soybeans to develop localized market opportunities and strengthen supply chain traceability for climate-smart commodities.
1.Does having a relationship with a Climate-Smart Commodity (CSC) Processor impact my eligibility?
A key part of enrolling in the marketing incentive is having a buyer who will retain the climate-smart status of your soybeans. If you do not have an established contract to market your climate-smart soybeans to a CSC processor identified by the project, please contact the Carbon A List (CAL) team to explore your options.
All farmers, or farm entities, and associated acreage must have established records with the Farm Service Agency (FSA) that are certified and conservation compliant. No foreign entities are eligible for funding. For more information, utilize the FSA Guide developed by the TransformF2C Project and contact your local FSA office.
3. How do I know which acres to enroll in the Marketing Incentive?
Confirm the following:
1. The acres are eligible in connection to your contract with a CSC Processor; contract your soybean buyer to confirm.
2. The acreage is registered with the Farm Service Agency (FSA) under your name or farm entity. Only acreage that appears on your Producer Farm Data Report is eligible.
3. The acres being enrolled are in one of the eligible states and within 500 miles of the CSC Processor.
4. All acres being enrolled have at least one eligible climate-smart practice implemented during the growing season that is in compliance with the NRCS standard for the chosen practice(s).
4. Do I need to adopt a new practice to apply for the Marketing Incentive?
No, however soybeans being marketed as climate-smart must be grown on acres with at least one of the climate-smart practices (listed below) implemented during the growing season from which the climate-smart soybeans were produced. The selected practice does not need to be implemented for the first time to be eligible, however the practice(s) must be implemented in a manner that meets the NRCS standard for that practice(s).
5. Which practice need to be implemented to receive the Marketing Incentive Funding?
At least one of the eligible five practices below must be implemented on the acres being enrolled during the current growing season. Practice(s) must be implemented in compliance with the NRCS standard for the practice(s).
Conservation Crop Rotation (328)
Residue and Tillage Management, No-Till (329)
Cover Crop (340)
Nutrient Management (590)
Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced Till (345)
1. Which acres are eligible for enrollment in the Practice Implementation Incentive?
The Practice Implementation Incentive is designed to build upon the Marketing Incentive. Only acres being enrolled in the Marketing Incentive are eligible for enrollment in the Practice Implementation Incentive.
2. Which practices are eligible for funding under the Practice Implementation Incentive?
An applicant may receive payment for up to three of the eligible climate-smart practices implemented in a single growing season. Applicants must note that if they have already received federal funding or are under contract to receive federal funding for a particular practice on the same acres during the same growing season that practice is no longer eligible to be selected for the Practice Implementation Incentive. In addition, eligible practices may change depending on the time of enrollment.
Example: If enrolling acres mid-season, cover crops are no longer eligible for funding for that growing season.
Eligible Practices include:
Conservation Crop Rotation (328)
Residue and Tillage Management, No-Till (329)
Cover Crop (340)
Nutrient Management (590)
Residue and Tillage Management, Reduced Till (345)
The CAL Team is available to address any questions you may have regarding practice selection and implementation, eligibility and enrollment, and any other general questions or concerns you may have. Please contact us via email at: incentives@transformf2c.com. ​​​​​
How To Apply
Farmers interested in applying should visit the Farmers Corner page to explore project details.
Before applying, interested farmers should contact a project approved Climate-Smart Processor or the CAL team to discuss the marketing of their climate-smart soybeans.
Prior to submitting an online application, farmers will need to obtain the necessary documentation from the Farm Service Agency.
Complete the online application for the growing season and acres you are seeking to enroll.
2. What happens after I submit my online application?
Below are the steps that will take place once an online application is submitted:
A member of the CAL team will review the application for completeness.
The applicant will be informed if the application is deemed complete or if additional information is needed.
The application submission will be shared with the project's MMRV partner, Eocene. Eocene will contact the applicant to conduct a farm data collection interview.
Once it is confirmed all required data collection is complete, the applicant will receive a contract from CAL to review and sign.
1. When can I expect to receive my payments?
Your first payment will be received 60 days after the applicant signs a contract with CAL and submits their banking information to CAL.
Your second payment will be received 60 days after all contract requirements have been confirmed complete.
2. Is there a set minimum and maximum funding available per farm?
Payments are made on a per acre basis. Acres eligible for eligible for enrollment are linked to the tonnage contracted with the CSC Processor receiving the harvested soybeans. Limits on the number of acres enrolled in a single year may apply. Contact a representative at your Climate-Smart Processor to determine eligible acreage.
1. How long is the contract period for?
Contracts are associated with a single growing season.
2. Am I eligible to renew my contract?
Enrollment will occur yearly, the FSA Team, Tract, and Field information for acres enrolled with change with your crop rotation.