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Frequently Asked Questions

RFPs for Service Providers

To ensure fairness and transparency during the open Request for Proposals (RFP) process, Carbon A List observes a "quiet period," which begins when the RFP is issued and ends upon the contract award announcement.
To support proposers in their submission process, we have established this FAQ site for Service Contractor RFPs and we encourage you to submit any questions you might have via the FAQ form below. We strive to answer all submissions promptly and thoroughly, and may elect to combine similar questions and responses; however, Carbon A List will not respond to inquiries about specific proposals or engage in one-on-one conversations related to the RFP.
Our goal is to conduct a fair, transparent, and efficient selection process, and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We appreciate your interest in collaborating with Carbon A List and your adherence to these guidelines during the RFP process.

Jump to FAQs for: 

1. Can you clarify if you are looking for a program specific audit that would meet the grant requirements or a full audit of the company along with the compliance audit? Is the audit only needed for the company with the grant?


The RFP has been revised to indicate the need for two audits, one for each of the entities awarded by the Grant (see RFP). Audits will need to meet Grant requirements.

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