Proposal Evaluation
Transforming the Farmer to Consumer Supply Chain Climate - Smart Processing
Selection of proposals will be based upon the degree to which proposals meet the requirements outlined in this RFP and scoring of the selection criteria outlined below. Proposal evaluations will be based on a weighted percentage. Eligible proposals will be reviewed and ranked by Carbon A List with input from a third-party, expert review committee.
Review Criteria
Below is a detailed description of the evaluation considerations for each proposal area.
Cover Letter will be evaluated based on the following:
This applicant has uploaded a cover letter with a summary of the proposed project, signed by the proposal lead.
Experience & Qualifications will be evaluated based on the degree to which the Offeror:
Can meet all specified technical requirements.
Is an established entity with a robust history in soybean processing.
Leverages advanced operational capabilities with state-of-the-art infrastructure.
Exhibits a cutting-edge approach to R&D with a proven track record of successful innovation and development.
Possesses a robust and influential network of industry connections and access to a wide range of top-tier resources.
Demonstrates exceptional qualifications with unique strengths and capabilities directly aligned with RFP needs.
Aligns with Carbon A List’s Project strategy, showing clear foresight and planning.
Project Schedule & Budget will be evaluated based on the degree to which the proposer:
Provides a comprehensive and detailed timeline and budget, including all phases of the project.
Clearly identifies and accurately anticipates lead times and potential risks, with robust mitigation strategies.
Provides accurate and realistic estimates of annual volumes for years 1-4, demonstrating a deep understanding of market and operational capacities.
Demonstrates that existing infrastructure is robust and well-suited for immediate project execution with minimal risk.
Requires little to no new infrastructure, or has a robust mitigation plan, to reducing infrastructure risk and lead times
Proposes smart, innovative methods to enhance traceability without significant infrastructural changes
Showcases a high degree of readiness with contingency plans for unforeseen challenges.
Processing Cost will be evaluated based on the degree to which the proposer:
Provides a precise and well-researched $/tonne cost estimation that is aligned with industry standards.
Demonstrates a deep understanding of market conditions and operational efficiencies that influence cost.
Reporting Requirements will be evaluated based on the degree to which the proposer:
Employs a fully-segregated system with comprehensive traceability from farm to final product.
Provides a detailed and strategic plan for diverse marketing channels, tailored to CSCs.
Estimates a high number of potential buyers, supported by data and market analysis.
Outlines a comprehensive and highly efficient data collection system, using advanced technologies or methodologies where valuable.
Describes a secure, reliable, and scalable data storage solution, with emphasis on data integrity and privacy.
Clearly outlines the status and reliability of any contracted services, if used.
Risk Register will be evaluated based on the degree to which the proposer:
Conducts an in-depth analysis of risks in all specified areas, demonstrating a deep understanding of each domain.
Provides detailed, strategic, and proactive mitigation strategies for each risk category.
Offers specific examples and insightful predictions about potential risks and their impacts.
Community Connection & Values Alignment will be evaluated based on the degree to which the proposer:
Demonstrates a highly strategic and inclusive approach to community engagement with clear, innovative methods.
Shows strong, well-established relationships within the farmer community, with evidence of positive impact and ongoing maintenance.
Presents a detailed, proactive plan for cultivating new relationships, backed by research and a clear understanding of community dynamics.
Demonstrates a highly tailored and proactive engagement strategy specifically designed for small and/or historically underserved farmers.
Outlines a wide range of innovative and impactful activities that directly support and amplify CSC opportunities.
Presents a detailed plan for robust knowledge sharing and technical assistance, addressing the specific needs and challenges of the target groups.
Letters of Support and Additional Supporting Documents are OPTIONAL and will be evaluated based on the follow: ​
1 point for each page with clear linkage to the proposed work
Carbon A List Reviewers
By submitting a proposal to Carbon A List, proposers consent to Carbon A List’s use of employees, contractors, and experts from public and/or private institutions as reviewers. Carbon A List selects reviewers based on their expertise, experience, skills, and ability to provide constructive feedback on proposals.
Carbon A List reviewers must complete a Conflict-of-Interest Certification (detailed below), disclose any real or potential conflicts, and commit to protecting confidential information. Carbon A List also provides training to its reviewers, ensuring they are well prepared to conduct thoughtful and fair evaluations.
Conflict-of-Interest Certification:
At Carbon A List, we believe our stakeholders should be confident in our integrity. To ensure this, we have established a conflict of interest policy that outlines procedures for employees and committee members when a possible conflict exists between their own personal interests and the organization's interests. This policy sets boundaries for employees where possible conflicts may arise to the company and prevent clashes between a company and its workers.
Our policy requires that all board members, officers, employees, volunteers, and committee members have a duty to place the interest of Carbon A List foremost in any dealings with the organization and have a continuing responsibility to comply with the requirements of this policy:
All officers, employees, and committee members shall avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.
They shall disclose any possible conflicts of interest as they arise and comply with any procedures developed by Carbon A List designated personnel to address any potential or actual conflicts of interest.
No officer, employee, or committee member shall use their position to obtain employment within the organization for themselves, family members, or close associates.
No officer, employee, or committee member shall use their position to influence decisions in which they have a financial interest.
Any officer, employee, or committee member who is uncertain as to whether a certain transaction, activity, or relationship constitutes a conflict of interest should discuss it with the Grant Lead, who will determine whether disclosure or other action is required.
Any officer, employee, or committee member who knowingly fails to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest shall be subject to disciplinary action that may include formal legal action.